Sierra Furtado

Sierra Furtado

Sierra Furtado
Image Credit: Sierra Furtado’s Twitter
Follow Sierra Furtado:
Full NameSierra Furtado
Date of BirthSeptember 24, 1993
BirthplaceMontreal, Canada
Age27 years
ProfessionYou Tuber
Weight48 Kg
Monthly Income$8.5k to $135.8k


Sierra Furtado was born on September 24, 1993, in Montreal, Canada. When Sierra was 19 years she started the youtube channel with her self-titled YouTube channel.

Net Worth

Canadian You Tuber Sierra Furtado Net Worth is $700 Thousand and her monthly income is approximate $8.5k to $135.8k as of 2021 according to our source.

Net Worth is the measurement of financial health which indicates the value of an individual’s or institution’s financial and non-financial assets.

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