Arpan Sharma

Arpan Sharma

Arpan Sharma
Source: Arpan Sharma’s Facebook
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Full NameArpan Sharma Kattel
Date of BirthFebruary 5, 1990
BirthplaceJhapa, Nepal
Age30 Years
ProfessionTrainer, YouTuber
Net WorthN/A


Arpan Sharma was born on February 5, 1990, in Jhapa Nepal as Arpan Sharma Kattel. Sharma is a sharp-minded Nepalese youth who claimed the Guinness Book of World Records title in ‘Longest Colour Sequence Memorized’, and ‘Longest Sequence of Objects Memorized in One Minute’. He is a National Youth Award Winner. He was awarded the National Youth Award by Youth and Sports Ministry, Nepal Government for his exceptional talent.

Net Worth

Nepalese Arpan Sharma Net Worth is not revealed as of 2021 according to our source.

Net Worth is the measurement of financial health which indicates the value of an individual’s or institution’s financial and non-financial assets.

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